Category Archives: Uncategorized

May 2011: Actions against Frontex

Videos: Demonstration at Brussels Airport Blockade of the entrance to the closed detention centre TV-news (in French) Demonstration at Brussels Airport and at the entrance of the closed detention centre against collective expulsion by the EU agency Frontex: At Brussels … Continue reading

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Freedom, not Frontex

There cannot be democracy without global freedom of movement The dynamic of the Arab spring is emanating into the entire world. The movements of revolt in the Maghreb encourage and give hope, not only because despotic regimes that have been … Continue reading

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Frontex-Press statement on Sudden Increased Migratory Situation in Lampedusa

WARSAW, February 14—The Agency is aware of the migratory situation in Lampedusa and is monitoring it closely via the Frontex Operational Office (FOO) in Piraeus, Greece. Two Frontex staff members have been dispatched from the FOO to Lampedusa to liaise … Continue reading

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Why On the Borders of Legality: Frontex Forces Should Stop Filling Greek Jails with Asylum Seekers

Statement by Simone Toller (researcher of “Human Rights Watch”) which was published in “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (a big German Newspaper): The European Court of Human Rights ruled last week that Belgium had violated the rights of an Afghan asylum seeker when … Continue reading

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Frontexplode in Mali and Senegal

Last days the Afrique-Europe-Interact-caravan went from the malian capital to the mauretanian border. Find reports in the News-section of the projects homepage. Many of the new posters and flyers against Frontex have been distributed in these days in Bamako, Nioro … Continue reading

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Bamako-Dakar Caravan

From February 6th to 11th, 2011 the 11th World Social Forum will take place in Dakar, the Senegalese capital. This is why from mid-January bus and car caravans will start their journey to Dakar from several places in Africa. One … Continue reading

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Confrontation against Frontex and head of European Council

On Jan. 17, on the 97th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, a conference on migration policy was held at the Kazimierowski Palace featuring keynote speakers Ilkka Laitinen, Executive Director of Frontex and former British Home Secretary Charles Clarke and … Continue reading

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Article of the German magazin “Spiegel”: Shutting the Back Door to Fortress Europe

Although we don´t share the opinion of the authors concerning the role of the “traffickers”, this article gives a good overview about the situation in Evros region: Greece wants to erect a fence on its border with Turkey to stop … Continue reading

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Frontex Rabit-Operation in Evros: Watch the migrant-hunting of Frontex

What should we say? We are missing words, that you guys seem to be so proud of your operation that you even publish videos of your hunting. However, the target cross makes things easier for you?

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Protest against Frontex/Fylakio detention centre

On December 18 a mobilisation was organized at the Evros region. Early on the afternoon there was a protest outside the Fylakio detention centre and later a demonstration in Orestiada, where the Frontex headquarters are located. Read more

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